Our current magazine is the winter issue – read about it on the membership page, or click on the image.
If you join now – from £18.50 – you’ll receive five magazines in total, full of great reading and photos.
Plus, you will be able to add on a 2025 Ivo Peters calendar for just £3 delivered. Well worth it just for the photos!
Originally established in 1966, the Trust keeps alive the memory of this most distinctive of cross-country railways with its wide variety of artefacts including locomotives, carriages and museum exhibits backed by restoration work, events and our quarterly magazine.
Please note that the Somerset & Dorset Railway HERITAGE Trust is an unconnected organisation, albeit one that we work closely with. Their website can be found here.
Our 50th Model Railway Exhibition is now planned for July 2025. More here.
The Somerset & Dorset Railway ran from Bath across the Mendips and through Dorset to Bournemouth, with branch lines across the Somerset Levels to Burnham-on-Sea, Bridgwater and Wells. Read more about the route of the S&D. The line’s early days are remembered for its distinctive Prussian Blue engines and coaches, and later for the holiday expresses from the north of England to the south coast. Read more about how the Trust came into being.
Subscribe to our occasional email newsletter here.
Somerset & Dorset Railway Trust on Facebook.
A brief history of the S&D 7Fs.
How the S&D 7Fs came into being.
See all press releases.
An in-depth look at the work of the Trust. See the latest posting ‘Re-examining Wells Branch Brake Van No.9 – the last surviving S&D goods vehicle‘.
Keep up to date with the latest news about our heritage railway steam engines, coaches and museum artefacts.
An extensive range of Books, DVDs and other items related to the S&D can be ordered online here . You can buy Membership online and also download images from the Trust’s photographic collection as well as audio files including Ivo Peters, Donald Beale and others.
Find out where to view our exhibits and see our stock list here. Our locomotives and many other vehicles are now located at the Watercress Line in Hampshire, other exhibits are at Midsomer Norton and Shillingstone on the S&D route itself, plus at other locations.
Our members receive a variety of benefits including our quarterly magazine. Many also volunteer to keep steam railway memories alive by repairing and restoring rolling stock, researching and writing articles and arranging events. Your contribution is welcomed – you can join online here.
Information about the extensive photo collection of our favourite steam railway can be found here, we also now have several videos. Find out more about our annual model railway exhibition here.
As well as the museum, the Trust cares for extensive material and items covering all aspects of the Somerset & Dorset Railway, available for viewing and research. Check how to find and access this material here.
The Trust works in partnership with others to keep alive the memory of the Somerset & Dorset Railway and its importance as a major cross-country route for the communities through which it passed.
As well as gathering and recording information about the line, through artefacts, archives and oral history, the Trust promotes the spirit of the S&D through its distinctive locomotives and rolling stock, still at work today.
The Trust arranges events including an annual Model Railway Exhibition at Edington (near Bridgwater).
As well as the information available on this site, we also have a regularly-updated Facebook page with over 3000 followers and a wide selection of short videos on Vimeo
and on YouTube.
[Page header photo by Tony Storey.]