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New short lease agreed for Washford yard

On the evening of Thursday 20 January, solicitors acting for respectively, the West Somerset Railway plc and the Somerset & Dorset Railway Trust Ltd, concluded negotiations which had been in progress for well over a…

The Washford volunteers’ Christmas Lunch

Today, our Washford site volunteers and spouses enjoyed a Christmas Lunch at the Valiant Soldier pub in nearby Roadwater. Despite the gradual winding-down of the site, restoration and maintenance work continues on those vehicles and…

53808 at the steam illuminations

The Trust’s S&D 7F No. 53808 setting off with a Watercress Line steam illuminations service through the light dusting of snow on Sunday evening, 28 November. You may also find this video of interest: [Photo…

Remembrance wreath laid at S&DJR war memorial

Following a long Trust tradition, a wreath was laid at the S&DJR Highbridge Works war memorial in Southwell Gardens, Highbridge. The memorial lists not only the 13 staff who did not survive the war, but…