Evercreech Junction; 40564 & 73028 on Up express, 02-08-58


SKU: 58-2/03-002 Category:


Fowler 2P Class No. 40564 (built 1928) & BR Standard Class 5 No. 73028 (built 1951) on an Up express at Evercreech Junction on 2 August 1958. Station buildings on both platforms are visible in this picture.

40564 is shown as already allocated to Templecombe upon nationalisation in 1948 and remaining there until withdrawal in February 1962. 73028 is shown as allocated to Bath Green Park from May/June 1958 until June/July 1960 and again from September/October 1960 until April/May 1961.

Photo by John Woods. Copyright S&DRT. Our ref. 03-002/58-2.

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