Hodmoor; 92203 on Up ‘Pines Express’ crossing Bridge 185 – Peter Smith, 31-08-60; G A Richardson


SKU: WSHSD_2022_14_447 Categories: ,


BR Standard Class 9F No. 92203 (built 1959) crosses Bridge 185 at Hodmoor (reached shortly after passing Stourpaine) at about 60 mph with the Up Pines Express on 31 August 1960. On the full res. image, Peter Smith can be readily seen waving from the cab.

92203 is not shown as allocated to Bath Green Park at any time but in this photo is wearing an 82F (Bath Green Park) shedplate. 92203 was subsequently preserved.

The abutments and bridge span of Bridge 185 have been built for double track but the flood arches are single track width.

This part of the line is now the North Dorset Trailway. Only the south east abutment and flood arches (seen in this photo) survived and a new north west abutment plus footbridge opened here in 2010.

Photo by G A Richardson. Copyright S&DRT. Our ref. WSHSD_2022_14_447.

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