Shillingstone; 53805 on short goods service


SKU: WSHSD_2022_14_210 Categories: ,


Fowler S&D 7F No. 53805 (built 1914 as S&D No. 85) passes through Shillingstone and past the signal box with a very short Up (northbound) goods service.

53805 is shown as already allocated to Bath Green Park at the time of nationalisation in 1948 and remaining there until withdrawal in March 1961.

Photo by G A Richardson. Copyright S&DRT. Our ref. WSHSD_2022_14_210.

6 x 6 cm medium format negative. This low-light image is of noticeably lower quality than the vast majority of Mr. Richardson’s images.

Image width 800 pixels, available for immediate download. For personal use only. Publishing by any means, including social media, is prohibited. Higher resolutions of this image are available for personal and commercial use; please see photo enquiries page.