Winsor Hill; 53810 on 10.42 am Exmouth-Cleethorpes service, 04-08-62; G A Richardson


SKU: WSHSD_2022_14_257 Categories: ,


S&D 7F No. 53810 (originally S&D No. 90) pictured just north of the Winsor Hill tunnels with the 10.42 am (SO) Exmouth-Cleethorpes service of at least eight carriages on 4 August 1962, a few weeks before such services were diverted.

Note the disused signalbox in the background plus disused and fenced-off quarry sidings. To the left can be seen both a standard metal 40 mph speed limit sign as well as an illuminated speed limit sign adjacent.

Below the whistle board, a person is visible in the full res. image holding up what is probably a microphone. Note the chalked-on shed number.

Photo by G A Richardson. Copyright S&DRT. Our ref. WSHSD_2022_14_257. See also WSHSD_2022_14_336, WSHSD_2022_14_021, WSHSD_2022_14_317 and WSHSD_2022_14_322 taken at the same location. See also WSHSD_2022_14_441 for the same locomotive and service a week earlier.

Medium format 9 x 6 cm negative.

Image width 800 pixels, available for immediate download. For personal use only. Publishing by any means, including social media, is prohibited. Higher resolutions of this image are available for personal and commercial use; please see photo enquiries page.